Sunday, 17 August 2014

Stacking the Shelves (#57) & Recap: The Random Edition.

STSmallStacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

So, how was everybody's week? Mines basically sucked. Beginning of next weeks going to suck too, as soon as Monday & Tuesday's gone, hopefully it'll turn around.

In other news, I'm addicted to Chicago Fire, and I'm shipping already. I 'm a shipper whore, but we're all shipper whores here, right?

But, books! The Random Edition because well, the books are all random. Some part of a series. Series I haven't started.

I've also been meaning to do this stack for the past 3 weeks, I got there eventually?..




*Not pictured since, this is why when you're on the way out and the mail comes, you go back inside and leave it, not take it with you and then leave it at a friends.


                                                                 What did you get this week? :)


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Your Haul is as good as it gets!
So many excellent books I don't even know
where to begin!
Halfblood, Frozen, Silver Shadows, Heir of Fire!
Enjoy your reads :)
ooh, lovely haul! HEIR OF FIRE WAS AMAZING :D Silver Shadows is pretty good too. Chapter 19!! Enjoy your books!
I had a good haul this week after my restraint collapsed and I went on a book buying spree, so I've had to split the haul over two weeks. I love getting that shiny new book in my hands! Enjoy your books!
My recent post Stacking the Shelves #45
Heir of Fire!! I'm so jealous! I hope you like the series though, it's one of my favorites. And Silver Shadows was amazing, you need read the series asap. :) Half-Blood is also really good, the first book is very similar to VA, but after that, the rest of the series is much more original. I hope you like all of these books! :)
My recent post Book Haul
Awesome haul! :)
The only book I hauled this week was "We Were Liars" by E Lockhart. I wanted to read it for a reading challenge that I'm doing for GoodReads. I would have hauled more books but...I'm on a book buying ban (my shelves are too full lol).
Happy reading! :D
Heir of Fire!!! I need that book lol! I have Silver Shadows and Frozen but haven't read either of them yet but I'm hoping to get to SS soon :) I hope you enjoy all of your new books!
I love Half-Blood and Heir of Fire, and I hope you do, too! I'm also dying to read Silver Shadows. Thanks for stopping by!
My recent post Stacking the Shelves #39
Oh many books, that's great! I need to read the Maas books I have. Happy reading!
My recent post Cursed by S. J. Harper
Waaaa. I am green with envy just by looking at your physical ARCs. I know that I have a lot e-ARCs right now but I am still wishing to get even a single physical ARC. I don't know though but maybe it has something to do with accomplishing a new achievement.

Oh, Kirsty! I am not only crossing my fingers but my toes as well that you will like Throne of Glass. One of my all-time favorite series. Shame that I've only started the series early this year. Celaena is really a unique MC. I hope you will love her as much as I do. :D

Have fun reading all of your books! And hey, I hope everything will turn out okay with whatever's bothering you.
My recent post Review: Storm Siren
I really want to read Heir of Fire! It looks amazing. It's a brilliant series. :D Frozen also sounds pretty good, and Roomies sounds interesting. I hope you enjoy your books!
My recent post Stacking the Shelves #30
Jealous of your paperback of Heir of Fire. I've got an ebook but it's not the same.

Hope you love Throne of Glass series!! It's one of my favourites.
My recent post Sinner (Review)
You have Heir of Fire!! I'm sure you'll enjoy the series :) I'd love to hear what you think of Half-Blood too!
My recent post Review: That One Summer (Summer Series #3) by C.J. Duggan
Silver Shadows is a nice surprise! I haven't started the series either, because I wanted to wait for all of the books to be out. Just one more to go! *growing impatient*
Sorry your week wasn't all that great.
But I am reading Heir of Fire now and liking well, although the witch pov isn't so much my thing
My recent post Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post, Bought Borrowed and Bagged
I guess I really need to check out the Throne of Glass series as I see it I would love to read Half Bad also, great haul! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. :) :D
Ohh very nice book haul!! Sorry your week was crap, but hopefully it'll be better soon :) I have As Red As Blood too, though just a Kindle copy, I am kind of waiting to read a few reviews before starting it (so of course I am looking forward to yours!) I'm also pretty curious about Frozen. Hope you enjoy them and that next week is better for you :)
My recent post Stacking the Shelves and Other Weekly Shenanigans (21)
I was pleasantly surprised by Heir of Fire - I hated Crown of Midnight, but really enjoyed Heir of Fire :D I hope you enjoy all of your new books! Thanks for visiting my blog! And have a fabulous week :)

Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
My recent post Review: Falls the Shadow by Stefanie Gaither
I liked Throne of Glass but I still have to read the sequels including Heir of Fire. Enjoy!
Nice haul. Thanks for checking out my Stacking the shelves this week
My recent post Mailboxes, Shelves, and What I'm Reading
That's a huge list of books you have there! AND I STILL HAVE TO START THRONE OF GLASS TOO, ugh but I just never get to it.
Really excited for Heir of Fire, I can't believe that the wait is basically over. Now I have ot get my hands on a copy :)
I've been thinking about Frozen for a good amount of time now... looking forward to reading your thoughts about it :) Hope you enjoy your new books!
My recent post [Stacking the Shelves] I give up…
I adored Half-Blood; it does have quite a few similarities to VA, but once you get into the rest of the series, it really grows into its own thing. I think you'll like it :) Heir of Fire is AWESOME! Throne of Glass is one of my favorite YA Fantasy series!!

Your haul is amazing, and I am very jealous.

Jessica @ Ramblings on Readings
My recent post ARC Review and Giveaway: The Jewel
Wow, this is an awesome haul! I'm reading Crown of Midnight right now but I'm already dying to get my hands on Heir of Fire! And yes, I ship tons of people to! The second two characters make eye contact I'm just like "YES. THEY ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER!"

Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Ashtyn @ Wonderland’s Reader!
My recent post Review: Sway
I have Heir of Fire and plan to read it soon. I also have a copy of Frozen, but I haven't read it. Enjoy all your new lovelies and thanks for stopping by :)

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