Author: Emma Pass
Publication Date: April 24th 2014
~A copy was provided by RHCP and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review~
~A copy was provided by RHCP and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review~
The Fearless. An army, powered by an incredible new serum that makes each soldier stronger, sharper, faster than their enemies. Intended as a force for good, the serum has a terrible side-effect - anyone who takes it is stripped of all humanity, empathy, love. And as the Fearless sweep through the country, forcing the serum on anyone in their path, society becomes a living nightmare.Cass remembers the night they passed through her village. Her father was Altered. Her mother died soon after. All Cass has left is her little brother - and when Jori is snatched by the Fearless and taken to their hellish lair, Cass must risk everything to get him back.
So this isn't a DNF review (I kind of wish it was), but it's
going to be more of a rant because I just hate myself for just not DNF'ing it.
I'd already done it with like three for April, so I just felt so bad if I had,
but really, it would've been worth it because the first thing I have to say
about The Fearless is that it's so boring.
Think CW's Beauty and the Beast in the way of that serum. In
The Fearless, the serum was created to help with PTSD in Soldiers, then the
serum was altered to help those in the field, to kind of numb them a little
from what they were seeing. The serum got into the wrong hands, apparently,
nobody knows how (as you do- (but then we do kind of find out at some point)
but of course, it's the obvious person, in the obvious position, in the obvious
place, in the fucking obvious obvious. The serum was altered to make them
stronger, heal faster, etc, but it made them too strong, too fast, and
made them completely numb to all emotion and strategically better and wiser
than the human population, it changed their DNA and made them into something
other than human with silver eyes.
We have the love interest whose name I can't remember so
have to check, he's so rememberable,
but he's also our other main perspective. Aha! His name is Myo, who seemed to
have a little personality, but not much. He was also pretty stupid himself.
So, we have three different perspectives, in random out of order changes, on top of that, we have the obvious
multiple holes and questions that don't really get answered, and the whole
thing was just like going around in circles and ended up being pointless. After
reading it (and I admit, I skimmed the shit out of it), but I honestly can't
even tell you what it was about. The whole plot and world building was sketchy,
it was all just kind of messy.
The biggest issues for me were the emotionless characters,
we have Cass, one of our main characters and main perspective, and though
you're told her feelings, you never feel anything.
Bland voice, just...bland. And annoying. She's so fucking naive it isn't even
funny. She was just plain stupid, and I'm not even exaggerating. Seriously, she
lets the love interest out of the prison after a like 2 minute chat. Everything that happened, she brought on
herself. She had so many chances, so many hints, and she just takes it at word
though it's obvious. She's also pretty emotionless, you'd think she was a fearless.
Then we have Sol, a random perspective when the story is
lagging, who is a borderline sociopath because Cass wouldn't get with him. They
were best friends, she doesn't see him that way, yet he still persists,
persists, I mean, he's basically begging for it.
I know, harsh, but I read the whole thing wanting for it to do good, but it just
didn't, and I'm so freaking disappointed in it.
I'll sum The Fearless up in one. Boring.
Maybe skip this one, because you know...
(Hey, Elizabeth told you I'd make it work.) ;)
You're worth it.
Rating: 1/5- Because I finished it.
Alicia Batista · 570 weeks ago
I live in the US, so I couldn't get this on NetGalley because they were only giving them out in the UK. And it won't be releasing here in the US until 2015! So I won't be able to read it until it's available on NetGalley for the US. But I will definitely read it and see what I think. I'm just sad you didn't like it as much as I hoped you would! :(
Alicia Batista · 570 weeks ago
kirstymstudio 102p · 570 weeks ago
nadiareads1 34p · 570 weeks ago
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kirstymstudio 102p · 570 weeks ago
pabkins 66p · 570 weeks ago
You know I have not had much luck with RH kids/YA titles for some reason. I can't think of one that I've read and loved but then honestly I haven't read a whole ton of them because they don't seem to be quite as free with the arcs as other YA pubs.
It sounds like a lot of issues here with the character personalities and development. I'll shy away then. Which is no sweat since I hadn't really heard much about this one anyways =)
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kirstymstudio 102p · 570 weeks ago
Thinking about it, I haven't either, kind of the same with Bloomsbury, there's either ones I've hated, kind of liked, but not really loved loved.
But yeah, there was. I just couldn't connect with them at all, and was just zzzzzzzz.
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